Automated blood smear staining. Up to 60 staining results per hour with standardized staining results.
Automated blood smearer. Reproducible blood smears through automatic control. Consistently high smear quality. Continuously adjustable smear speed.
Automated Staining System. Up to 120 Slides per hour with standardized staining results. Customisable staining protocols.
Bench top mixer. Continuously adjustable rotation speed (3000 - 4500 rpm). For liquid containers up to 50 ml.
Non-alcoholic Wright JetDye-AF solution. Is used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the hematological and histological investigation.
Non-alcoholic Giemsa JetDye-AF solution is used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the hematological and histological investigation.
Non-alcoholic May-Grünwald JetDye-AF solution is used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the hematological and histological investigation.
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